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Aloha Ind.

making health easier

360 Travel Health​ making health ​easier

Aloha Industries Is Proud to ​Present 360 Travel Health

Luggage Travel Gear transportation
360 travel health
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Aloha Ind
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dotted curved path
Financial Hotel restaurant
making health easier

Aloha Industries presents

360 Travel Health

360 travel health represents a consortium of ​forward-thinking companies united in a mission to ​simplify health for consumers and make it more ​EFFICIENT for employers. We advocate for a ​standardized approach to quickly identify ​healthier products and specify ingredients. we ​are committed to fostering a collaborative ​network of companies dedicated to a global ​impact within the $7 trillion wellness industry.

Includes Five Business​



Financial includes ​but not limited to: a ​major credit card ​company and ​banking system.

Hotel in Dubai


Hotels includes but ​not limited to: major ​brand luxury resorts, ​boutique hotels, ​international and ​independent hotels.

Busy Italian Restaurant
Cologne, Germany - August 28, 2022: Entrance of Louis Vuitton Fashion Store Outdoors


Luggage & Travel Gear

Restaurants includes ​but not limited to: full ​service, casual, and ​fast dining.

Luggage and Travel ​Gear includes but not ​limited to: all-size ​luggage and purses, ​strollers, car seats, ​toiletries, and more.



Transportation ​includes but not ​limited to: airport, ​rental car, airlines, ​and cruise ship.


it to us!

Specific goals are defined in ​our 3 phased approach with ​the ultimate objective of the​ 3D immersive guest​ experience​

Phase 1

360 Travel Health ​recognizes and ​celebrates companies' ​innovative health and ​wellness initiatives, ​highlighting their positive ​impact on customers, ​particularly those efforts ​that may go unnoticed.

Phase 2

360 Travel Health ​prepares companies' ​future health and ​wellness plans through ​growth marketing, along ​with comprehensive ​recommendations to ​enhance their wellness ​programs.


360 Travel Health ​develops 3D immersive ​virtual experiences ​showcasing companies' ​facilities and health and ​wellness offerings. This ​allows guests to get a 3D ​immersive experience ​before entering the ​property.

Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

Patented Technology

Imagine guests being able to have a 3D view ​of your hotel or airport with clear wayfinding ​before their trip. This empowers them by ​providing readily accessible information, just ​like Aloha's patent-pending 360 Travel Health ​technology. Prepared guests lead to more ​efficient operations for your staff, allowing ​them to focus on other areas and accelerate ​cost savings. This technology ensures ​seamless information access and ​comprehension, driving success for your ​company.

What Potential Partners ​Are saying

Testimonial Stars Icon

"We’re excited to start Aloha's 360 ​Wellness visualization to increase ​customer engagement with our ​healthy product line. Empowering co​nsumers with clear information is​ a game-changer."

-CMO at an organic res​taurant​ brand

Testimonial Stars Icon

With so much on our plates, we’re ​looking forward to Aloha drastically ​improving our efficiency. The ability ​to offload burden and responsibility ​off​ of our staff will be a huge plus.”

-GM at major ho​tel chain

Testimonial Stars Icon

We’re ready to unleash more ​innovation and health marketing ​with the Aloha consortium. There’s ​never been a better time to ​demonstrate our commitment to ​industry-leading health and wellness ​practices.”

-CEO of wellness lifestyle b​ra​nd

RV Parked Near Ocean at Sunset

360 Travel Health

Ma​king health easier


(4​08) 416-9193

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Aloha Ind.

making health easier

