Aloha Ind
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making health easier


What is your restaurant doing ​to support health?

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By Aloha ​Industries


Travel health

Running a restaurant is hard work. And Aloha’s All-​Inclusive Wellness™ was designed to make work ​easier for employees and decisions easier for ​patrons. Our science-based, medical-backed ​process makes it easy for people to find wellness-​centered options in restaurants.

Our Vision For Restaurants

Our mission is to create an international ​health brand. To bring awareness to ​consumers of companies’ health efforts. ​Aloha Industries is making health easier.

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Aloha reviews the efforts you ​make for the wellness consumer ​and filters through Aloha’s ​Standards of Excellence. Aloha ​brings awareness to your ​restaurant’s health efforts ​through showcasing.

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Support Growth

While Aloha brings a stronger ​awareness to the efforts your ​restaurant produces in wellness, ​Aloha walks alongside your ​restaurant with expert ​recommendations for a robust ​health experience.

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Aloha is the only Doctor- ​Recommended, All-​Inclusive Luxury Wellness ​label. By certifying your ​restaurant you are stating ​your restaurant is safer for ​the consumer.

Did you know?

Research from the International Food Information Council finds that among those who seek out foods and beverages made with ‘clean’ ingredients, health is the overriding consideration. A quarter of respondents see ‘clean’ ingredients as a shortcut to health benefits.


Accommodating health-minded guests can boost a restaurant’s profit margin by 24 percent in some cases.

– Food allergy network

Aloha Ind
Life Saver Ring Icon
palm trees silhouettes
dotted curved path
dotted curved path
making health easier

Monterey, California


Modern Simple Minimalist Frames

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